Ambitious Midwest IPO targets rapid production plan

The US-based company is looking to raise A$13-17 million at 25c per share to list in Australia and explore what is widely considered the one of the most prospective areas in the US for hard rock lithium, targeting areas that hosted lithium production in decades past, where some of the world’s largest spodumene crystals were located.
Work has already mapped outcrops, drilling permits have been applied for, and the explorer promises a fast-paced exploration campaign across multiple brownfields targets that could support delivery of a definitive feasibility study by the end of 2025. 

Historically significant tenure

The company has staked or optioned around in the Black Hills, including the previously worked Ingersoll and Mateen lithium mines and the Old Mike tantalum-mica open pit.
The Black Hills was once one of the world’s main producers of hard rock ore, with at least 70,000 tonnes at 6% lithium reportedly recovered before demand fell in the 1950s, and the district slipped into obscurity. 
With US domestic demand for lithium rising the district has become an obvious place to focus. 




Midwest Lithium Limited (ACN 666 910 416) (“Midwest Lithium” or “the Company”) lodged a prospectus (Prospectus) for an offer of shares to raise up to $17 million with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”) on 31 August 2023 (supplemented by the first supplementary prospectus dated 26 September 2023 and the second supplementary prospectus dated 3 October 2023) (“the Prospectus”).

An electronic copy of the Prospectus can be obtained in PDF format by clicking below after confirming agreement to the following. The Company’s Share Registry will provide an online application facility for shares after the Exposure Period described below ends.

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The information on this website is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Nothing contained on this website or in the Prospectus constitutes investment, legal, account, business, tax or other advice, nor is it to be relied on in making an investment in Midwest Lithium. The information on this website and in the Prospectus does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs.

Persons who receive a copy of this Prospectus in electronic format are entitled to obtain a hard copy of the Prospectus free of charge during the offer period by telephoning +61 8 9420 8270 between 9:00am and 16:00 Perth, Australia time Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

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